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Remaking the Economy:

Liberating Finance to Build a More Just World

Wednesday, November 20th, 2024

2:00pm - 3:30pm ET

What does the term “just transition” mean? How can finance truly be liberated from traditional business assumptions and instead be mobilized to support a just transition to an economy rooted in values of solidarity?

Those questions were at the heart of an economic justice article series coproduced this summer by Nonprofit Quarterly (NPQ) and Justice Funders. To addresses those questions, drawing on the contributions from many of the authors in that series, this 90-minute webinar will offer a conversation on the joys and challenges, dos and don’ts, of putting liberatory finance and investment into action in the real world. Our expert panelists are:

Fernando Abarca is a loan fund organizer for Right to the City Alliance, based in Los Angeles, California.

Jaime Gloshay is a cofounder of Native Women Lead and is managing director of impact investments for Common Future, based in New Mexico.

abdiel j. lópez is director of capital activation at Justice Funders based between Oaxaca and Los Angeles.

Onyx Ramirez is senior communications director at Black Farmer Fund based in New York City.

This webinar will explore:
  • What is a just transition and what role does finance have in bringing a just transition about?
  • What are the best ways to think about “risk” in a liberatory finance context?
  • What do we mean when we use the term of “non-extractive finance”?
  • How can a loan fund be democratically governed?
  • What is a land recovery fund and how does it function?
  • What does an Indigenous loan fund look like—and what are the 5Rs of Rematriation?
  • How can liberatory finance support housing justice?
  • What would real foundation accountability to communities look like?

Whether you’re a nonprofit leader, board member, or engaged in community-based organizing, this webinar will provide you with real-life examples and lessons learned that can inform your work in your own community.

Register to learn how nonprofits and movement activists are advancing strategies to address the economic and social inequalities of our time!

The moderator for this webinar is NPQ senior editor of economic justice Steve Dubb. Steve has worked with cooperatives and nonprofits for over two decades and has been both a student and practitioner in the field of community economic development.