Remaking the Economy: Webinar #5 in the Series!


Thursday, April 11th, 2019 at 2:00 pm ET 

REMAKING THE ECONOMY: THE CRITICAL ROLE OF ADVOCACY begins with a brief interview with Esteban Kelly, executive director of the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives, who will talk about the role of policy in supporting worker co-op development in New York City; Madison, Wisconsin; and elsewhere.

Following the interview, NPQ Senior Editor Steve Dubb will facilitate a panel with three expert speakers: Evette Roots, who is a social enterprise specialist at the Office of Community Wealth Building in Richmond, Virginia; Yassi Eskandari-Qajar, policy director at the Sustainable Economies Law Center in Oakland, California; and Anthony Flaccavento, a candidate for Congress in 2018 from Abbington, Virginia, and author of Building a Healthy Economy from the Ground Up, which focuses on policy in rural communities.

This webinar will explore:

  • How much can policy change matter in developing a more equitable economy?
  • What are the challenges in getting policy change to support community ownership?
  • What are some successful examples of policy innovation at the local level that you might be able to advocate for and implement in your own community?
  • What are points of leverage available to movement leaders? What policy levers are most important to activate? 
  • What is the ecosystem that helps make policy change possible?
  • What shifts in thinking, practice, and culture need to occur?